
Emmanuel Baptist is led by Pastor Woody Hansen and his wife Joyce and Deacon Jim Anderson.

Pastor Woody Hansen

Pastor Wood Hansen was ordained as a Baptist minister after years of training and faithful Service. Woody preaches with a message inspired by the Holy Spirit who directs him to search scriptures for a message he is to give. He has a very deep knowledge of the Bible and he references scriptures throughout any message he gives.

Woody is full blood Cherokee, and he has lived in Delaware county Oklahoma all of his life Living in rural Oklahoma among the Cherokee people has given Woody a knowledge of animal life and the natural resources in Oklahoma. In addition to serving as a pastor, Woody conducts wildlife and nature programs for Public and Private institutions.

Woody Accepted the position of Pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church the first of January 2022. With Woody's influence, the church is beginning to have a new vision. The Holy Spirit is beginning to give the church members a new purpose in fulfilling the message of the church.

Joyce Hansen

Joyce leads the music during worship. Joyce attended college at Bacone College, Northeastern State College and the University of Tulsa, Joyce is a Registered Nurse and serves as a nurse at the Indian Hospital in Claremore, Oklahoma. Woody and Joyce have six Children including Jenny(deceased), Jade, Lani. Jake, Kelsie, Makensie, Michael Wehbe.